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Is it safe to travel to Europe 2024?


Is is safe to travel to Europe 2024?




Will It be Safe To Visit Europe?




Is it safe to visit Europe because of the Russian - Ukraine war?




The current conflict in Ukraine has many tourists across the World asking themselves they same question of they should visit Europe this year or no.




It is normal that a traveler from the USA might be thinking about postponing their vacation in Europe. 




It really depends on where you want to go and which country you want to visit.




For example, if you want to visit Zagreb & Croatia, then you will be more than safe.




Croatia is far enough from Ukraine for anybody to worry if something bad could happen - you are very safe here. 




Mike Susong, an executive with crisis management firm Crisis24, said that despite the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, there are no credible reasons to be concerned about the safety of traveling to the EU.




The distance between Ukraine and some of Europe's most popular destinations, such as Croatia is big.




Most airlines have not changed their flight plans due to the situation in Ukraine.




This is good news meaning that the famous zones are not affected. 




Despite the ongoing conflict, the chances of Russia attacking another country are quite low.




This is because attacking an EU member country would require dealing with the armies of other nations within the NATO alliance.